The amazing charity When You Wish Upon A Star is going the extra mile to help make Aaron Hunters wish to raise awareness of his rare life threatening disease come true. They are hosting an incredible event during this years Fringe Festival in Edinburgh and they and we are inviting you along to take part !! If Your Free PLEASE Come along and join us in our BIGGEST EVER Attempt at #GOMADJUMPFORROHHAD
On the 13th August 2017 between 11am-2pm When You Wish Upon A Star have organised an event which is “Ceilidh in the Park for Wishes” when they will be holding an open air Ceilidh with a 10 piece Ceilidh band and DJ. At the Ceilidh their intention is try and break the World Record for the biggest Gay Gordons dance. This will be in West Princess Street Gardens, Ross Bandstand, Edinburgh.
Towards the end of the Ceilidh between 1.45pm-2pm they are planning to ask everyone taking part at the event (and anybody else who may be watching on the side lines), if they would like to join in and help them to grant the part of Aaron’s Wish which is raising the awareness for ROHHAD and for them to take on his challenge #GOMADJUMPFORROHHAD at the event.
They are arranging for a paddling pool with water in it on the Ross Bandstand Stage and the Incredible Comedian Dominic Holland will Jump in the paddling pool and lead the crowd for at least 1 full minute which Aaron’s Challenge requests. Dominic has been an amazing support to Aaron's Challenge so far and he cannot wait to take part himself. He is hoping everyone who is there will join him !!
We too are hoping that everyone in the audience will jump along with Dominic at the same time and perhaps create the largest crowd to do the #GOMADJUMPFORROHHAD challenge yet !!
You will be in good company if you decide to come along and join in at this massive attempt at Aaron’s social media challenge, as we are hoping that Robert Downey Jr and his fellow AVENGERS will have completed their challenge that they promised Aaron they would do. Not only that but thousands of other people around the world have attempted the challenge and had a lot of fun in the process all whilst helping Aaron raise global awareness and funds to find a cure.
Hope to See You There !!
To participate in the Ceilidh and World Record attempt for the charity When You Wish Upon A Star you can sign up using these links -
Charity Website: http://www.whenyouwishuponastar.org.uk/forthcoming-events-scotland.html?detail=238&r=0
Edinburgh Festival: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/ceilidh-in-the-park-1